[Translate to Deutsch:] City districts of Frankfurt
[Translate to Deutsch:] Altstadt (average rental price 16,61 € / m²)
- Smallest district of Frankfurt and historic center of the city
- Mixture of skyscrapers and historic old buildings (Sandsteinbauten)
- Shopping mall “Zeil” and exclusive mall “Goethestraße”
- Important sights: ”Römer”, Paulskirche (church), Alte Oper, Stock Exchange, zoological garden
- Historic city is surrounded by a green belt (5km)
- A great view over the city on “Maintower” (200m)
- A lot of museums for different kinds of art
Bahnhofsviertel (average rental price 17,42 € / m²)
- Bad image in the 1960s and 1970s because of the drug scene
- World of pimps and prostitutes (“Crazy Sexy”: well-known brothel in Frankfurt)
- Multicultural area with restaurants and shops from all over the world
- “Kaiserstraße” is perfect to spend free time (cafes, restaurants, shops)
- Great area for nightlife with bars and discos
- Central train station is a historic building in new-renaissance style (interchange)
Berken-Enkheim (average rental price 11,16 € / m²)
- Part of Frankfurt since 1977; located in the east of the city
- Typical architecture: half-timber houses
- Sight: historic town hall, Schelmenburg (baroque castle), Weißer Turm
- Big shopping center (115 shops), “Hessencenter” in the business park Enkheim
- Green areas (Enkheimer Ried, Enkheimer Forest) Berkersheim (average rental price 9,98 € / m²)
- Since 1910 part of Frankfurt
- Rural character with farms, but also many new buildings
- Meadow with scattered fruit trees (apple for making apple cider)
- Sight: baroque Michaeliskirche; Azur-fountain for mineral water
- God transport connections to the city Center (S-Bahn)
Bockenheim (average rental price 13,99 € / m²)
- Business location in Frankfurt; near fairground and financial district
- Johann Wolfgang Goethe- University, but most parts of the university moved
- Multicultural area with a lot of restaurants, shops, bars and cafes mixed with business areas
- Very good for cultural experiences: theatres (Dramatische Bühne, Titania-Theater)
- Important sights (Bockenheimer Depot: workshop for trams; Bockenheimer Warte: donjon)
- Rebstockviertel: new area for living (flats for 4500 people) and working
- Green and natural parts of this area: natural museum Senckenberg, Bernuspark, Rebstockpark)
- Area with a high quality of living
Bonames (average rental price 10,84 € / m²)
- High growth since the 1950s
- Area of contrast: concrete buildings vs. idyllic buildings in Alt-Bonames
- Natural area: “Nordpark Bonames” in the south of Bonames; Alter Flugplatz (airport with café in the tower and place for events)
Bornheim (average rental price 13,90 € / m²)
- Area for carnival clubs - Also called the “funny” village
- The inhabitants of this district like to party, mostly on Wednesdays (they love beer and apple cider)
- Berger Straße is the street for shopping, relaxing and eating (shops, restaurants, cafes, traditional Frankfurt food, cinemas)
- Lively and funny people live there
Dornbusch (average rental price 12,38 € / m²)
- This district emerged in 1946
- Preferred living areas of Frankfurt: “Dichterviertel” and “Bertramsviertel”with houses in Gründerzeit-style
- Weekly market every Tuesday in Carl-Goerderler-Street
- The Underground (U-Bahn) is above ground which makes it on the one hand easy to reach every part of Frankfurt, but on the other hand it divides this district in two parts and makes noise
- Natural area: Bertramswiese and Bertramshof (Broadcast of Hessen), Sinaipark
- Important historic sight: family home of Anne Frank
- Area where many prominent people live
Eckenheim (average rental price 11,90 € / m²)
- Quiet and placid district
- Center of fire prevention, ambulance service and civil protection
- Consulate general of United States
- Important sights: Herz-Jesu-Kirche (church); Tower of Eckenheim (56m) - Half-timbered houses and narrow lanes
- Tower block with flats in the periphery
Eschersheim (average rental price 12,28 € / m²)
- Quiet and lovely district in the North of Frankfurt
- High quality of living with a high frequency of villas surrounded by a green belt
- No industry in this area
Fechenheim (average rental price 10,49 € / m²)
- Former fishermen’s village - Near the river “Main”
- Industrialization made the fisherman leave this district
- Typical architecture of Frankfurt: rural center, area that where built after World War II and industrial buildings
- Natural areas: Fechenheimer Wald, Heinrich-Kraft-Park
Flughafen -
- Airport area: third biggest airport for passengers in Europe
- Few people live here, but this area has a great infrastructure
- Supermarkets, hospital, church, restaurants
- About 62 000 people work in this district because of the airport
- Germany’s biggest work place
Frankfurter Berg (average rental price 10,52 € / m²)
- Young district (since 1996)
- Multistory buildings and postmodern row houses
- Also skyscrapers (on top of the you can have a magnificent view over the city)
- Less groceries (one supermarket with café)
- 3 busses and 1 suburban train makes the inhabitants able to go to the center
Gallus (average rental price 13,65 € / m²)
- Medieval look-out: Galluswarte
- Main train station was built there in 1888 where nowadays about 300 000 people move every day
- Location for media (newspapers): Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurter Neue Presse, Deutscher Fachverlag, Frankfurter Societätsverlag
- „Hellerhofsiedlung“: Origin in industrialisation; 1200 flats made of brick
- Changing district: many new buildings ”Europaviertel”
- Place for workers and industry
Ginnheim (average rental price 13,11 € / m²)
- TV tower that you can see from far away
- Home of the German Central Bank
- About 15 000 inhabitants, growing district
- Natural area: Volkspark Niddatal
Griesheim (average rental price 11,11 € / m²)
- Buildings of the chemical industry and business park “Griesheim”
- Seems to have no high quality of living because of the industrial atmosphere, but there is the possibility to live near the river in a scenic atmosphere
- River “Main” with a marina in Griesheim
Gutleutviertel (average rental price 14,42 € / m²)
- Very multicultural district with bars, restaurants and different kinds of food
- Living and working near the river “Main”
- Look of this area is shaped by skyscrapers
- Little Venice on the river “Main”
- Architectural highlight: “Westhafen-Tower” (99m)
Harheim (average rental price 9,50 € / m²)
- Fountain that doesn’t even freeze in the winte
- Quiet are for relaxing with a lot of nature (Eschbach: stream) and jewels; conservation area “Harheimer Ried”
- Perfect for walks or bicycle tours, no big-city-feeling
- Vivid club
Hausen (average rental price 12,84 € / m²)
- Idyllic and cosmopolitan district near the Nidda
- “Brotfabrik” (first bakery of Frankfurt)
- Area with Bauhaus-design-buildings (Westhausen)
- Green area for jogging and walking
Heddernheim (average rental price 13,98 € / m²)
- Typical for this district: copper manufacturies
- Vivid carnival area
- Change from industry to service area
Höchst (average rental price 11,20 € / m²)
- Jahrhunderthalle: event location for shows and concerts
- Chemical industry is located in this district
- Old city with half-timber houses, perfect for spending free time
- Two castles, for example the Bolongoro-Palace
- Interesting cultural infrastructure: theater (Neues Theater), Filmtheater Valentin
- One highlight is the Justinuskirche (church)
- Porcelain factory, where you can see how porcelain is made
Innenstadt (average rental price 15,16 € / m²)
- See Altstadt; both parts are connected and have already been described
Kalbach-Riedberg (average rental price 10,39 € / m²)
- Kalbach was a suburban settlement
- This district is part of Frankfurt since 1976
- Neighbourly district despite new buildings, motorway and business park
- Vivid clubs and sports centre for spending free time
- Riedberg is the biggest developing area in Frankfurt (flats for more than 15000 people)
- Parts of the University are located here
Nied (average rental price 11,44 € / m²)
- Approx. 17.250 inhabitants
- Nice fishing and farming village for a very long time
- 1879 connection to the railway network -> economy was booming
- Forest “Niedwald” and river “Nidda”
- Sociable and enterprising part of Frankfurt with almost 50 associations
Nieder-Erlenbach (average rental price 10,32 € / m²)
- One of the smallest (4.000 inhabitants) and one of the most northern districts
- Approx. 11km into the city center
- Nice area for single-family houses
- Rather rural, high leisure value
- Nieder-Erlenbacher Kerb (small fair) takes place every year in September
- No underground train connection
- Main employers are agricultural holdings and garden centers
Nieder-Eschbach (average rental price 11,41 € / m²)
- Until World War II it was predominantly agricultural
- New housing areas arose around the old village center
- Since 1959 it is a residential town with a small industrial section
- Only district of Frankfurt which has a partnership with Deuil-la-Barre in France
- Nieder-Eschbacher Kerb (small fair) takes place every year in September
Niederrad (average rental price 16,95 € / m²)
- Has been destroyed completely three times -> only very few historic structure left
- Popular with sports enthusiasts and people who like walking in the forests - “Bürostadt Niederrad” -> Several big companies have their branch here
- Commerzbank-Arena and Galopprennbahn are located here
Niederursel (average rental price 11,37 € / m²)
- 8km northwest of the city center
- Many mills in the earlier years, some are still there, but don’t work anymore
- Many beautiful half-timbered houses
- University campus
- European school
Nordend (average rental price 14,62 € / m²)
- In the south architecture of the neo-renaisance and late classicism
- Hessischer Rundfunk and Deutsche Nationalbibliothek are located here
- University with approx. 9000 students
- Police headquarter of Frankfurt
- Popular with families, young people, intellectuals, artists, students
- High quality of living
- Many restaurants, bars around
- Four nice parks
Oberrad (average rental price 11,71 € / m²)
- 4km to the city center
- Many high-rise buildings, but still a little rural character
- Known for vegetable and gardening village
Ostend (average rental price 14,67 € / m²)
- International known Frankfurter Zoo
- Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
- Many restaurants, bars and clubs
- Many designer shops, creative advertising agencies, IT-companies
- European Central Bank is located here
Praunheim (average rental price 10,73 € / m²)
- Very green, agricultural structure
- Hospital Nordwest
- Secondary school + French school
- Known in Europe for their successful women’s soccer
Preungesheim (average rental price 12,18 € / m²)
- Homburger Landstraße is the longest street of Frankfurt
- Known for the women’s prison
- Walter-Kolb-Siedlung: nice living area with single family houses and some block houses
- Karl-Kirchner-Siedlung: part of the project “Soziale Stadt”
- Many playgrounds and kindergartens
- Popular with young families
Riederwald - 4km eastern of the city center
- Good area for leisure activities, nices promenades to walk, forests, playgrounds and relaxing areas
- Many single-family houses and semi-detached houses
Rödelheim (average rental price 11,98 € / m²)
- Many high-tech companies, Europe’s biggest IT-Center
- National known for their rappers
- Brentanobad is one of the biggest and most beautiful outdoor pools in Hessen
- Well known for their apple cider production
Sachsenhausen (average rental price 14,42 € / m²)
- Sachsenhäuser Berg: some of the best areas to live in Frankfurt, but much aircraft noise
- Deutschherrnviertel: many shops, restaurants, bars, cafes and offices
- Main Plaza: 88m high building, typical New York style, 24 floors with hotels, apartments and suites
- Schweizer Straße: great shopping street
Schwanheim (average rental price 11 € / m²)
- First a village of farmers, then of industrial workers, but always village of artists
- Big forest: Schwanheimer Wald
- Schwanheimer Düne: place of very rare plants and animals
Seckbach (average rental price 12,19 € / m²)
- Historical town center
- Living area in the middle of the district and industrial area in the southeast
- Lohrpark: very big park with a playground and
Wineyards Sindlingen (average rental price 11,04 € / m²)
- Two parts: old town center in the south, new buildings in the north
- Albert-Blank-Straße: International School Frankfurt-Rhein-Main - 5km away from airport
Sossenheim (average rental price 10,21 € / m²)
- Westpark: one of Frankfurt’s youngest living areas
- Central-Park Frankfurt West: new industrial area
- Approx. 40 associations, active inhabitants
Unterliederbach (average rental price 10,64 € / m²)
- Town center still a bit rural
- Many old half-timbered houses
- Heimchen: one of the oldest workers’ housing estate, many single family houses
- Jahrhunderthalle: event and congress center
Westend (average rental price 16,07 € / m²)
- Popular with more prosperous people
- Many big houses with big gardens
- Many offices, banks, advertising agencies, exclusive restaurants
- Most expensive district of Frankfurt
Zeilsheim (average rental price 10,60 € / m²)
- Still a lot of rural atmosphere - Nice houses with nice gardens
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