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Immigration Update China

Effective Date: April 1st 2017.

Important notice on changes to the Work Permit Application for foreigners in China. The Shanghai Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (Shanghai Foreign Experts Bureau) has implemented a New Work Permit Application Policy from 1st April 2017 effectively.

Affected parties:

  • Non-Chinese passport holders applying for a work permit in China
  • HR departments of employing companies based in China

The New Work Permit Policy in China has been implemented nationwide beginning April 2017. Now the old “Alien Employment License” and old “Foreign Expert Employment Permit” are integrated into the “Foreigner's Work Permit” in China. This new policy is being implemented by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA) in China.

Effective 1st April 2017 onwards, the Shanghai Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (Shanghai Foreign Experts Bureau) will officially implement the Work Permit application under the new immigration policy and all foreign workers will be split into three categories, according to a new point-based evaluation system: A, B, C.

These changes also cover:

  • The elimination of the former Z-visa invitation letter
  • New online pre-application for by local HR
Typical German

Typical German

When you come to Germany the first time, you might realize that some things are different than in other countries/in your home country and people will act and behave differently. To prevent you from the first cultural shock, some typical German things are listed in this article.

Relocation to Berlin

Berlin is the capital city of Germany. It has a population of around 3,5 million inhabitants. The city is divided into 12 districts (Bezirke). Those districts are again divided into 96 subdistricts (Ortsteile). In the following text Berlin’s 12 districts will be explained a bit. You can find information about the average rental price per m² (01.11.2016), some historic information as well as some general information about each district. This should help you to get an overview about the city and to get to know the different parts.

It might be easier to make a decision of where you want to live after having read this.

Relocation to Frankfurt

Frankfurt am Main (short: Frankfurt) is the largest city in Germany’s State Hessen. It has a population of 733.000 inhabitants. The city is divided into 16 area districts (Ortsbezirke). Those are divided into 46 city districts (Stadtbezirke) and those are again divided into 118 city boroughs (Stadtbezirke). In the following text Frankfurt’s 46 city districts will be explained a bit. You can find information about the average rental price per m² (01.11.2016), some historic information as well as some general information about each district. This should help you to get an overview about the city and to get to know the different parts.

It might be easier to make a decision of where you want to live after having read this post.

Ignoring Immigration Regulations

It should go without saying that it never pays to ignore immigration regulations. Costs of immigration non-compliance are far higher than the costs of obtaining immigration permits properly in the first place. It is true that several companies make a habit of bringing a few employees here and there into a country on business status, when really a work permit is required.

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